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Welcome to cchloe's official website!

To link your account, drag the bookmark below to your bookmarks bar. If you don't see your bookmarks bar, press Ctrl + Shift + B to enable it. After that, simply click on the bookmark on to finalise linking!

Link your account!

1. Drag the "Link your account!" button to your bookmarks bar.

2. Click it when you're on to link your account to the cchloeyt discord server.

Having issues? Ensure you are logged into your correct Minecraft account on before executing the script.


What does the script do?

After typing your username on our Discord Bot, this script will communicate with ChloeBot by verifying the username of the Minecraft Account you are logged into on

How long does it take for me to receive my roles on Discord?

You should receive your roles within 15 seconds of linking.


Below you can find my 5 most recent videos!